Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: A Year in Review

I started this blog in August once I knew my little Parisian experiment was going to last more than half a year. Since then I've tried to convey an idea of the cultural, linguistic, business, and political differences between my native American culture and this strange, fascinating, historic land which has now become my home.

Starting a new job and losing my SLR camera have hampered the blogging schedule I would have liked to keep, but I hope that you have enjoyed reading all the same.

In case you missed them, here are the top 5 posts from 2011 according to pageviews:

1. It's Not Terrible: A funny take on a funny French phrase.

2. The Strange Case of My Visa: The fact that I got a work visa at this political and economic juncture approaches miraculous.

3. Commemorating 9/11 at Notre Dame de Paris: On the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I attended a memorial mass at Notre Dame.

4. A Tale of Two Cities: I went to London in November; it was impossible not to compare the two cities.

5. A Doctor's Visit: Visiting the doctor in France was not at all like I expected it to be.

One of my personal favorites was the post A Rather Unromantic View, mainly because it pushes against the New York Times view of Paris, which is shared by so many Americans. The Paris of postcards is only a part of the package. I hope I have managed to capture more of that whole that doesn't make it into guidebooks.

The Parisian Sketches has some changes in store for 2012. So please stay tuned.

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